



绝热量子计算是先把初态制备到product state,然后利用绝热路径演化初始哈密顿量到对应待解决问题的哈密顿量,从而使基态演化到包含我们需要的解的态。
学习一下何为绝热量子计算,以及他如何与circuit 量子计算等价。

Definition: (Adiabatic Quantum Computation) A k-local adiabatic quantum computation is specified by two k-local Hamiltonians, and , acting on -state particles, .
The ground state of is unique and is a product state.
The output of the algorithm is a state that is -close to the ground state of in 2-norm.
Let and let the smallest time for an adiabatic evolution to get the -close gs of .


  • 的基态可以简并,虽然一般来说要求不简并。
  • 一般来说AQC都是用基态,但有时候也会利用激发态。
  • 可以引入“中间哈密顿量”,在时消失。

Cost of running an AQC algorithm:

  • Runtime
    • 最差情况:, 是最小能隙。
    • 好一些的情况: up to a polylogarithmic factor in .
  • Full cost (dimensionless):. 这里的 代表 operator norm。
  • Related to gap analysis in condenced matter.
  • Cost is strongly influenced by the type of quantum phase transition.