


有限温度量子场论-第二章 虚时路径积分(2.1 核心公式 2.2简谐振子模型)


Chapter 2 Imaginary-Time Path Integral

2.1 The core formula in quantum statistic physics

The grand partition function is:

And for a quantum system with Halmitonian , since the number operators commute with , the (written in energy reprezentation)is:

For interacting system, it is very hard to calculate all eigen states and eigen energy. Generally, we can calculate the trace under any representation:

Then we can define the density matrix:

And for any operator , the thermal average value is:

The equation (3) and (5) are the core formula in quantum statistic physics.

2.2 Thermodynamics of a harmonic oscillator

Harmonic oscillator is a simple but important model in quantum mechanics. It has a simple Halmitonian and energy levels:

QM = (0+1)-dimensional QFT: .

The partition function can be easily calculated. First we use the imaginary-time path integral to get the partition func. Then we can compare it to the result from the direct calculation of (3).

In energy representation, can be easily calculated:

The thermal avg of energy:

At low , , .

At high , , .

Path integal: using x-basis.

Compare to the propergation amplitude in path integal:

With imaginary time interval we can write the partition func as the form of path integal (divide the time interval to parts: ):

Then we do the trick of inserting orthogonal complete basis:

For each time interval , we insert a basis and a basis:

Note here we have the periodic boundary condition(PBC): . This comes from the Boson statistics. And for Fermions we will later see a anti-PBC.

Now we have to consider elements of the type :

Here is defined previously.

So the partition function is:

The integral over the momenta is Gaussian, and can be calculated directly:

Then the partition func becomes:

Note that here we have a factor which is divergent and independent of :

Whene is big, this factor becomes exponetially big. However we do not need to warry because this could be cancelled out. Finally the is written as a functional integal of :

From quantum mechanical path integral , to finite temperature integral:

  • (i) Wick rotation: .
  • (ii) .
  • (iii) .
  • (iv) Require periodicity: .

With these steps the int becomes (30), which is called imaginary-time formalism:

E: Euclidean.
M: Minkowski.

For fields with non-zero spin: few modification, still works.

To compute (30), write into Fourier sum:

with periodic conditions, . And the reality of requires . Write into ,

Here, is called the amplitude of Matsubara zero mode.

Generally with the Fourier sum , the quadratic structure int can be calculated:

Use this the int in is:

Next we need to consider the part. With , change the variables to and ,

The determinant is hard to compute and could be written into the previous hard-to-compute :

Now we have the partition function:

This is a Gaussian integral, and finally:

Calculate :