


论文:Entanglement Witness

Yu, S., & Liu, N. Le. (2005). Entanglement detection by local orthogonal observables. Physical Review Letters, 95(15), 1–4.

Horodecki, R., Horodecki, P., Horodecki, M., & Horodecki, K. (2009). Quantum entanglement. Reviews of Modern Physics, 81(2), 865–942.

Necessary condition for separability

LOO: Local orthogonal observables.
PPT: Positive partial transposition

PPT criterion: a necessary condition for separability.
For , if is still a density matrix (i.e. it is hermitian and has non-negative spectrum), then is separable.


PPT condition is equivalent to demanding the positivity of , where is the transposition map acting on B. is a positive (P) map, but not a completely positive (CP) map.

The map is completely positive if and only if is positive for identity map on any finite-dimensional system.

Any P but not CP map can form a nontrivial necessary condition for separation:

Then we can provide a necessary and sufficient condition: is separable if and only if is satisfied for all P but not CP maps. However to find all the P but not CP maps is very hard for systems with dimension bigger than 6.

Entanglement witness

An entanglement witness is an oberservable that has:

  • (i) non-negative expectation values in all separable states.
  • (ii) at least one negative eigenvalue.

Optimizing Witness