


Brief Review on ETH and MBL

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本文是对Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) 和Many-body Localization (MBL)的简要复习。

1 What’s ETH

1.1 Closed-system many body mechanics

Here we focus on closed many-body quantum systems with short-range Hamiltonian,
and not onlyon low-lying states, but also on highly-excited states.
The states we are interested here also contain
mixed states.
Therefore density matrices are used to describe the states of the system.

The evolution of the density matrix with
Halmitonian obeys:

The expectation value of an operator is:

1.2 What’s Thermalization

A quantum system
in thermal equilibrium is fully characterized by a small number of parameters
(temperature, chemical potential, etc.: one parameter for each extensive conserved quantity).
The process of going from an initial state to the
themal equilibrium suggests losing the information
contained in the initial state.
This seems to be a paradox because unitary time evolution cannot erase information.

Actually the information is still in the system
but is locally hidden when thermalized.
Spreading of quantum entanglement moves the information about the initial state
so that at long time it is inaccessible because recovering that information would require
measuring global operators.
This id the so-called “decoherence”.

We partition the full quantum system into a subsystem,
A, and its environment, B.